Series 1 09.00-10.30 |
Room |
Track |
Paper Title
Lead Author |
1 |
A1 |
Developing Head Teachers as Educational and Enterprise
Leaders |
Deakins, David et al |
Philosophies of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education
and the …. |
Hannon, Paul |
Three Perspectives to Evaluating Entrepreneurship
Education: …. |
Hytti, U + Kuopusjärvi, P |
2 |
B1 |
SME Internationalisation Revisited with a Network Approach
…. |
Barbosa, Telma |
Decision-Maker Characteristics & Performance of
Internationalised … |
Knowles, Deborah et al |
Understanding and Segmenting the Experiences of
‘International’ … |
Sear, Leigh et al |
Commitment to Entrepreneurship Measured from Annual
Reports |
Woodruff, Jason |
3 |
C1 |
Four Critical Factors for New Business Development - A
Case Study |
Bloomfield, Stephen |
The Motivations of Rural Business Owners |
Donnelly, Eleanor
et al |
Business start-up process: A study of Scottish male and
female …. |
Magd, Hesham |
4 |
G1 |
Business Link: Does the franchisee make a difference? |
Bennett, R + Robson, P |
Government Review Board - Routes into Self Employment
Findings |
Cooke, Jeff |
Developing a Regional Culture for Entrepreneurship in the
UK: case …. |
Mitra, Jay |
5 |
D1 |
Internationalization and Financing Options of SMEs in
Ghana |
Abor, Joshua |
The Role of Ministry of Private Sector Development in Entrepreneurship |
Hinson, Robert |
Assessing Social Enterprise: Evidence from Kenya |
Ndemo, Elijah Bitange |
Competitiveness and environment in the fragmented sectors
…. |
Hernández Girón, J P et al |
6 |
O1 |
Entrepreneurship: Links between Growth, ICT-adoption and
Innovation |
Gray, Colin |
From e-Innovation to e-Entrepreneurship: European
Perspectives |
Matlay, H + Westhead, P |
E-business in Small Regional Accommodation Providers:
Features …. |
Burgess, Stephen et al |
Antecedents of Successful IT New Ventures: An Empirical
Study |
Sukasame, N + Sebora, T |
7 |
S1 |
BLU Perspective: Developing Learning, Knowledge Sharing & Networking in
Business Support |
Grayson, D + Chitty M |
8 |
T1 |
Coaching Methods for High-Growth Start-ups |
Chatard, E + Whittingham, J |
Investment decision-making in small manufacturing firms:
Learning … |
Ekanem, I + Smallbone, D |
Business Networks in Wales - Assisting Learning and Growth |
Morse, Leighton et al |
9 |
W1 |
Patience and Partnership:
Successfully Supporting Women
…. |
Nelson, Marla |
Women Entrepreneurs in Austria |
Heckl, Eva |
Exploratory study of business ownership & family
issues of Ghanaian ... |
Saffu, Kojo |
Series 2
14.00-15.30 |
1 |
A2 |
An Empirical approach to Entrepreneurship Education |
Morris, Richard |
Entrepreneurial learning: a narrative-based conceptual
model |
Rae, David |
Case Analysis Competitions - Effective Entrepreneurial
Learning? |
Winsor, B + McLeod, R |
2 |
B2 |
Tell me an old, old story … |
Drakopoulou Dodd, S et al |
The Role of Transnational Corporations in the Development
of Small … |
Mfeka, Bheki |
Building Entrepreneurial and Small Businesses in Jamaica |
Buchanan, C E + Bowen, M |
New Zealand SME owner-managers: In it for the lifestyle? |
Lewis, Kate |
3 |
C2 |
Walking the Tightrope: Associate's insight into Knowledge
Transfer … |
White, Kate + Taylor, David |
Public Policy and Support for SME Innovative Activity in
Wales |
Murphy, Lyndon et al |
Supporting High-Growth Start-Up Entrepreneurs - ‘South
Yorkshire … |
Mugge, M + Bolton, W |
The New Deal Self-Employment Option - just another scheme? |
Jeynes, Jacqueline |
4 |
G2 |
Business Vital Rates in the UK: Plain Tales of VAT in 3D |
Anyadike-Danes, M + Hart, M |
Start-up size and subsequent growth: English and Spanish
new …. |
Capelleras, Joan-Lluis et al |
Spatial Differences in Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of
Prime Age … |
Hart, Mark et al |
5 |
D2 |
UK African Small Firms - Strategic and Operational Issues |
Cook, Mark et al |
The impact of organizational change on entrepreneurship in
…. |
Heilbrunn, Sibylle |
First and second-generation UK South Asians: A comparison
of … |
McPherson, Mark |
Indian SMEs in Globalised economy |
Mascarenhas, Preeti |
6 |
H2 |
Driving Regional Partnerships: Clusters and Portals in the
Australian … |
Burgess, S + Sellitto, C |
Multiple Directorships in Cambridge Hi-tech Cluster.
Implications for … |
Myint, Y M + Vyakarnam, S |
Industry Evolution and High Technology Clusters in the
East Midlands |
Smith, David |
Celtic Tiger Cubs: Ireland’s VC-Funded Software Start-ups |
Crone, Mike |
7 |
S2 |
Modern Regeneration Agenda Demands New Business
Adviser … |
Constantine, Sylvia |
Small Business Experience of Using Government Services:
Case …. |
Thomas, Andrew et al |
Enhancing SME Knowledge Stocks through the use of On-line
…. |
Binks, Martin et al |
8 |
T2 |
Enterprise and work related learning in small business |
Cook, Roger + Munro, Janette |
Breaking down barriers to training uptake in small firms |
Butler, David |
E-Learning and E-Business: why are micro enterprises not
buying in? |
Browne, J + Sweetnam, G |
Socially situated entrepreneurial learning in family
business |
Hamilton, Eleanor |
9 |
W2 |
How to use Neuro-Linguistic-Programming and Coaching to
support … |
Fennings, Gill |
Women and New Business Creation: the female perspective on
growth |
Henry, Colette et al |
Training Women to Win |
Dhaliwal, Spinder |
Do Enterprise Support Programmes Leave Women Holding the
Baby? |
Rouse, Julia + Kitching, John |
Series 3 16.00-17.30 |
1 |
A3 |
Rotherham Youth Enterprise - History and activities |
Benson, Martyn |
Online Undergraduate Enterprise Programme: A Blended
E-learning … |
Jones, Paul et al |
The Development of Student Entrepreneurs within
Developing …. |
Maas, Gideon et al |
2 |
B3 |
Inclusive Employment Practices in Small Enterprises |
Kitching, John |
Entrepreneurial Initiative as a Sole Operator |
Roberts, Jean |
Attracting Talent - Recruitment and Reward in a Small
Marketplace |
Green, Elaine |
What is the dark side of owner-manager personality? |
Lockington, Paulette |
3 |
C3 |
The 4P’s of Incubation: A Sense Making Approach to
Incubation … |
Hannon, Paul |
Incubating Enterprise and Knowledge: The Case for
Supporting … |
Keogh, William et al |
Significance of Technium developments for incubation and
innovation… |
Thomas, Brychan et al |
4 |
G3 |
Government policies and location decisions of SMEs |
Nagadevara, V et al |
SME longevity is not an oxymoron: Survivability impacts on
policy |
Tweed, D + McGregor, J |
The Impact of Regulation: Results from Two On-line Surveys |
Chadwick, Mike et al |
The effect of the National Minimum Wage on the UK Small
Business … |
Mason, Colin et al |
5 |
D3 |
Vietnamese Businesses: Cultural Influences and
Intra-Cultural …. |
Bagwell, Susan |
Manager Characteristics in Croatian Small Hospitality
Enterprises |
Peric, J + Cerovic-Milohnic, I |
Entrepreneurs' attitudes toward business support
structures in Albania: |
Xheneti, Mirela |
Collaboration and Networking among SMME Support
Organizations in.. |
Chikweche, Tendai |
6 |
O3 |
Fostering Innovation and Development in Micro Companies |
Abraham, Ken |
Measuring the E-Business Receptiveness of SMEs in Rural
Mid Wales |
Symonds, W + Murphy, L |
E-business in SMEs: An exploratory study |
Pavic, Suzana et al |
7 |
S3 |
SME's access to public procurement contracts |
Durand, Fabien |
Re-designing Business Support as a Customer-led Service |
Langdon, Karen + Pain, Tim |
A public Sector Effort to Advance Entrepreneurship |
Asundi, R K +
Muñoz, D F |
Joining the Dots - An Integrative Irish Rural SME
Development Model |
Mythen, Sean + O'Gorman, Bill |
8 |
T3 |
Upskilling the West Midlands ICT Workforce - A Summary
Report |
Costello, P + Thompson, D |
Learning and intrapreneurship as challenges in a
manufacturing …. |
Pihkala, T + Oikarinen, T |
Belief Revision Parameters for Assisting SMEs Entrepreneur
…. |
Hegazi, M.A. |
9 |
W3 |
Accelerating Women’s Enterprise: Interactive session highlighting best practice supporting
Women's Enterprise Development in the UK and Europe. Reps from Train 2000,
Women Into the Network, StreetCred, Rural Women's Network and Women's
Business Network. |
Accelerating Women’s Enterprise |
Series 4 09.00-10.30 |
Room |
Track |
Paper Title |
Lead Author |
1 |
A4 |
Young Enterprise - The Steps of Enterprise Education |
Marchant, Catherine |
Enterprise in the curriculum at Sheffield Hallam
University |
Brown, Simon |
Barriers to Online Enterprise Education: A Conceptual
Framework |
Miller, Christopher et al |
2 |
B4 |
Evidence of Heterogeneity within Private Family Firms: A
Taxonomy |
Howorth, C + Westhead, P |
Small Businesses: Handing Over The Reins |
Garcia Rodriguez, Maria Isabel |
Business Transfers and Successions in Austria |
Mandl, Irene |
3 |
C4 |
Will it Work? A Methodology for Incubator Feasibility
Assessment |
Atherton, A + Hannon, P |
Facilitating Technology-based Business Firms through Incubation: …. |
Kirby, David |
A conceptual framework for effective business incubation |
Voisey, Pam et al |
Incubator Innovation and the Development of the Virtual
Incubator |
McNab, Andy + Talbot, Steve |
4 |
G4 |
A Review of the Accelerating Entrepreneurship Strategy in N.
Ireland |
Scott, Terri |
Graduate Employment in SMEs: Lessons from the Shell
Technology … |
Westhead, P + Matlay, H |
Developing an Entrepreneurial culture - path to Economic
Prosperity |
Grossett, Clive |
Targeting Fiscal Policy to Promote Entrepreneurship ….
Self-Employed |
Sloan, B.A. + Chittenden, F.C. |
5 |
E4 |
Social Enterprise and Local Development: Developing the
Evidence … |
Smallbone, D + Lyon, F |
Sustainable Social Enterprise: A Case of Complexity |
Jones, Declan et al |
Cyfenter's Programme for entrepreneurship & small
business in Wales |
Brooksbank, David et al |
Relationship Marketing & Collective
Entrepreneurship-Rural Enterprises |
Glancey, Keith et al |
6 |
O4 |
E-Business adoption in Scottish SMEs: An empirical
analysis |
Magd, Hesham |
Empowerment of Small and Medium Enterprises towards
E-Commerce |
Jones, Alan + Mohon, Caleb |
e-Adoption Ladders to encourage Small and Medium
Enterprises …. |
Jones, Alan + Mohon, Caleb |
7 |
S4 |
Effective High Growth Start Up Business Support in South
Yorkshire |
Hall, David |
'The entity model' - appropriate business support to SMEs? |
Palmer, David |
Small firm advisors and their clients: what makes for
success? |
Lund, J + Gooderham, P |
8 |
V4 |
How are SMEs Financed? Empirical Evidence from Ghana |
Abor, Joshua |
SME Financing and Financing Patterns in EU/International Comparison |
Pichler, J. Hans |
Financial Planning in New Venture Creation |
Gansel, Benjamin |
The investment behaviour of business angels: does
experience matter? |
Paul, Stuart et al |
9 |
W4 |
Theorising gender differences in motivations for becoming
an …. |
Kirkwood, Jodyanne |
'Invisible Women' - who are the female entrepreneurs in
England? |
Blisson, Debra |
Female entrepreneurs: out of the frying pan - into the
fire? |
Browne, Josephine et al |
Series 5 11.00-12.30 |
1 |
A5 |
Graduate Entrepreneurship in the UK: Developing a Policy and Research Agenda |
National Council of Graduate Entrepreneurship |
2 |
B5 |
A Method for the Generation of Scenarios |
Toward, M. + Ismail, H.S. |
Critical Success Factors in Small Service Sector
Businesses |
Simpson, Mike + Tuck, Nicki |
Insights from Facilitating Entrepreneurial Business
Development with … |
Hall, David |
Small Industrial Museums and the South Wales Heritage
Tourism Ind |
Thomas, S + Thomas, B |
3 |
C5 |
Identity in transition: becoming an entrepreneur through
the spin-out … |
Warren, Lorraine |
Towards a model for understanding and stimulating
university spin-outs |
Atherton, Andrew + Price, Liz |
Knowledge Exploitation Fund Entrepreneurship Scholarship:
…. |
Suthard, Lee |
4 |
G5 |
Fix or Fiction? The contributions of small firms to social
inclusion |
Blackburn, R + Ram, M |
Balancing need with potential: A new framework for
business …. |
Massey, Claire |
The Challenges of Evaluating Support for Enterprise in
Deprived Areas |
Lyon, Fergus |
5 |
E5 |
Methodological issues in Researching Ethnic
Entrepreneurship: …. |
Nwankwo, Sonny et al |
Social entrepreneurship in Wales - towards an
entrepreneurial society |
Wilkinson, Sandy et al |
Business support for culturally diverse start-ups in the
Creative ind…. |
Carey, Charlotte |
6 |
H5 |
Understanding Entrepreneurial Clusters: An Investigation
into …. |
Li, Jun + Mitra, Jay |
Changing Nature of Entrepreneurial Networks:
Transformation of …. |
Moult, Susan et al |
Clustering small enterprise - lessons …… experience in New
Zealand |
Perry, Martin |
Exploring paths and patterns for competitively important
factors …… |
Wincent, Joakim |
7 |
No presentations |
8 |
V5 |
Probability source and SME investment behaviour: prospect
theory … |
Wickham, Philip |
Acorns to oaks? ..micro credit schemes in the UK |
Anderson, Maggie |
Small Firms and the Relevance of Capital Budgeting |
Chittenden, Francis et al |
9 |
O5 |
E-Learning: Strategy, implementation and support |
Davidson, S |
Captive Portal WiFi Secure Authentication Demonstration |
Jones, A + O'Callaghan, S |
Series 6 16.00-17.30 |
1 |
A6 |
Where are we heading? An investigation into the
entrepreneurial …. |
Klapper, R + Léger-Jarniou, C |
NETS UK Summer School at Babson College: Learning US …. |
Boles, K + Derbyshire, G |
Developments in EU/UK Entrepreneurship/Enterprise
Education ….. |
Mukhtar, S M + Redman, J |
2 |
B6 |
Secrets to Journal Publishing: Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Small Business |
Bagby, Ray et al |
3 |
C6 |
Support and Rehabilitation of Failed Owner-Managers during
restart |
Gallagher, Colin et al |
New Entrepreneur Scholarships: Delivering the Action Plan
for Small … |
Rouse, Julia + Boles, Kevin |
Can do, want to do and am going to do! |
Birch, Chris |
Human Scrap Heap to Budding Entrepreneur - Creating the
Right …. |
Constantine, Sylvia |
4 |
No presentations |
5 |
E6 |
Business Start Up, Growth and Jobs From the Economically
Inactive |
Pratt, William |
Promoting enterprise in disadvantaged areas and
underrepresented…. |
Ramsden, P + Bramley, G |
Combating Social Exclusion - The Entrepreneurial Dimension |
Stanworth, John + Purdy, David |
Opportunity Knocks ... Moving from Unemployment to
Self-Employment |
Sear, Leigh et al |
6 |
O6 |
Do I need a computer to have a website? |
Smith, Ruth A. |
The Internet as a marketing communications tool for rural
SMEs |
Naylor, Carole Anne |
Possible Impact and Implications of Internet Protocol 6 on
Television … |
Papagiannidis, Savvas et al |
7 |
ISBJ Board - Closed Meeting |
Board Members Only |
8 |
T6 |
The link between training and skill development: evidence
from the … |
Marlow, Susan et al |
SMEs, Information Overload and the Knowledge Economy |
Boyce, Gavin |
The development of small businesses through a club of
managers |
Fourcade, C + Polge, M |
9 |
ISBE Executive - Closed Meeting |
Executive Members Only |