will be presented on the following main themes or topics.
Each Track will be sponsored by a relevant Organisation that will highlight recent experiences in the field and then facilitate debate over the practical and policy implications of the Track papers.
on the Sponsor's logo to visit their website.
here for Paper Presentation Schedules by Track
A - Advancing entrepreneurship education and enterprise
Entrepreneurship in universities/colleges - UK and international
Entrepreneurship and enterprise education policy and practice
Entrepreneurship education experience in international contexts
Enterprise education, experiential learning and simulations
Youth enterprise – stimulating and supporting young people
Track Leader:
Prof David Rae, University of Lincoln
Track Adviser: Dr Luke Pittaway, University of Sheffield
Track Sponsor:
Ian Robertson, National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship
B - Business birth-rate strategy - stimulating start-ups
B1 Business birth-rate strategy and economic development
B2 Business start-ups – international and regional comparisons
B3 Stimulating start-ups in depressed regions and communities
B4 Helping the unemployed and disadvantaged to become self-employed
B5 Building an enterprise culture – the impact of Government policy
Track Leader: Martyn Robertson, Leeds Metropolitan University
Track Adviser: Prof John Thompson, University of Huddersfield
Track Sponsor:
Prof Oswald Jones, Centre for Enterprise, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
C - Community, ethnic, minority, rural and social enterprise
C1 Social enterprise, community enterprise & rural enterprise development
C2 Ethnic and minority entrepreneurship and SME development
C3 Encouraging enterprise in disadvantaged communities & groups
C4 Diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship policy and support
C5 Social exclusion, lobbying and advocacy
Track Leader: Dr Spinder
Dhaliwal, University of Surrey
Track Adviser: George Derbyshire, National Federation of Enterprise Agencies
Track Sponsor:
Graham Bell, Kibble
Education & Care Centre, Paisley
E - E-entrepreneurship, e-business and e-learning
E1 E-business development and implementation
E2 E-learning and knowledge transfer
E3 Technology-based entrepreneurship
E4 Marketing and customer management in e-business
E5 Impact of e-commerce in a global economy
Track Leader: Paul Jones, University of Glamorgan Business School
Track Adviser: Dr Nigel Lockett,
Brunel University
Track Sponsor:
Marketing& Communications, Microsoft Ltd, Scotland
I - Innovation, technology transfer and knowledge networks
I1 Development and management of networks and clusters
I2 Innovation – corporate and university spin-outs and spin-ins
I3 Technology transfer in knowledge intensive institutions
I4 Supply chain implications, networking and franchising
I5 Intrapreneurship development and team management
Track Leader: Dr Eleanor Shaw, University of Strathclyde Business School
Track Adviser: Dr John Davies, University of Salford, Salford Business School
Track Sponsor:
Dr Michael Harris,
National Endowment for Science, Technology & Arts
M - Management, skills development and growth issues
M1 Critical success factors, models and strategies for success
M2 Human resource management, development and training
M3 Sustainable development and social responsibility - future challenges
M4 International entrepreneurship and impact of the global economy
M5 Developing better regulation and small business policy & services
Track Leader: Dr Gary Packham, University of Glamorgan Business School
Track Adviser: Tony Robinson, Chairman, SFEDI & Entrepreneurs UK
Track Sponsor:
Graeme Currie, GO
Group, Business Support & Economic Development
S - Supporting small business development world-wide
S1 National and regional programmes of entrepreneurship support
S2 Creating and supporting small businesses in developing economies
S3 Developments in small business support policies and structures
S4 Business advisers & mentors – assessment, knowledge, skills & CPD
S5 Business incubation techniques for new and existing enterprises
Track Leader: Prof Peter Rosa, University of Edinburgh
Track Adviser: Dr Kevin Mole, University of Warwick
Track Sponsor:
Dr David Guy, Knowledge
Transfer, Economic & Social Research Council
V - Small business finance and financial management
V1 The investment climate and entrepreneurial activity
V2 Informal and formal venture capital for business start-up and growth
V3 Economics and accounting perspectives for small firms
V4 Banks and small firms – loans, loan guarantees and other schemes
V5 Novel financial initiatives in developing and developed economies
Track Leader: Prof Francis Chittenden, University of Manchester
Track Adviser: David Irwin, Irwin Grayson Associates,
Track Sponsor:
Dr Richard Roberts, Barclays Bank plc #
W - Women’s enterprise and family enterprise development
W1 Women’s entrepreneurship - UK & international developments
W2 Government policy initiatives promoting women
in business #
W3 Training and supporting women into their own businesses
W4 Family life responsibilities –
work-life balance in small and large businesses #
W5 Family businesses – management, succession and human resources
Track Leader:
Prof Susan Marlow, De Montfort University, Leicester
Track Adviser:
Dr Colette Henry, Dundalk Institute of Technology
Track Sponsor:
Maggie O’Carroll, Women's Enterprise Consortium, Liverpool
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