Best Paper Awards |
This year we are offering a total of ten Best in Track Awards and four Special Awards, thanks to the generous support of the Sponsors indicated against each Award. Click here for a list of the Nominations for all Awards Click here for a list of Best Paper Winners SPECIAL AWARDS Small Business Service Award for best “policy” paper(s) £2,000 (may be split) For the best paper(s) drawing out the lessons for policy development and evaluation from new research and/or a synthesis of the existing body of research. Small Business Service Award for best “practical” paper - £1,500 (may be split) For the best paper(s) in reviewing practical experience in support for small business and the implications for its further development. Small Business Service Award for best “newcomers” paper - £1,000 For the best paper by someone who has not presented a paper at an ISBE Conference before. ISBE Award for best academic research paper - £1,000 For the academic research paper judged to most exemplify the general criteria set out in the Paper Selection & Criteria page - click here. BEST IN TRACK AWARDS A – Advancing entrepreneurship education at all levels - £500
B – Business birth rate strategy, start-ups and incubation - £500
C – Community, ethnic, family, rural and social enterprise - £500
E – E-entrepreneurship, e-business and e-learning for SMEs - £500
G – Government policies on enterprise development world-wide - £500
I – Innovation, clusters, supply chains and networks - £500
M – Management, skills development & growth issues for SMEs - £500
S – Supporting small business development world-wide - £500
V – Venture capital & micro-finance for small businesses - £500
W – Women’s enterprise and youth enterprise development - £500
The Track Leaders and Advisers assessed all papers accepted for presentation at the Conference, selected the best three papers in their Track and nominated one as “Best in Track”. These reflect the criteria specified opposite as appropriate to the topic. These three papers have been reviewed and the “Best in Track” confirmed by the Track Sponsor’s Representative. In addition, the Track Leaders were invited to consider nominating these three and any other papers for the four Special Awards sponsored by SBS and ISBE. Any paper can receive only one Special Award (plus a ‘Best in Track’ Award if appropriate). Track Leaders could not nominate their own papers for the either the Best in Track or the Special Awards, but they could nominate papers by other Track Leaders, which were considered by the independent Judging Panel. Conference Chair – Prof David Brooksbank, University of Glamorgan Conference Vice-Chair – Dr Gary Packham, University of Glamorgan Conference Vice-Chair – Mr Iain Willox, Head of Capacity Building, DEIN, Welsh Assembly ISBE Vice-President & 2004 Conference Chair – Prof Ted Fuller, University of Teesside ISBE Board Member & 2005 Conference Chair – Professor Bob Ritchie, UCLAN ISBE Board Member & 2007 Conference Chair – Prof Bill Keogh, Heriot-Watt University ISBE Past-President & 2008 Conference Chair – Prof Ken O’Neill, University of Ulster The Awards for Best Papers will be announced during the Gala Awards Dinner when presentations of the award cheques and personally inscribed and signed Certificates will be made and then afterwards photographs will be taken of those authors present, together with the Sponsors. |
ISBE Conference Secretariat, PO Box 888,
Dept W6, Harrogate, HG2 8UH, UK |