Programme |
This year the ISBE Conference will have an integrated programme of eleven parallel sessions combining both academic papers and practical presentations together with interactive debates on the key issues and policy implications in each field of interest. These parallel sessions will take place across the three days of the Conference, with the Track Leader, Adviser and Sponsor setting the scene for the sector during the opening session on Tuesday morning. The second series of paper presentations will be followed by the first Plenary Session and a Welcome Reception & Networking Buffet that evening. On Wednesday the Conference will again have eleven parallel sessions covering the specified Tracks, each with three 90-minute sessions, together with the second Plenary Session and the Gala Awards Dinner that evening when the Best Paper Awards will be awarded. The parallel sessions will continue on Thursday morning when the final session on Thursday should comprise an interactive debate on all of the papers within the Track with the principle implications for future work and policy. Programme subject to change before the Conference - please check Notice Boards on arrival.
ISBE Conference Secretariat, PO Box 888,
Dept W6, Harrogate, HG2 8UH, UK |