Student Bursary Scheme |
ISBE is offering a student bursary scheme this year, to enable more postgraduate research students in small business and entrepreneurship to gain the educational benefits of full participation in the ISBE National Conference including the Doctoral Day. The number of bursaries is strictly limited to 30 qualifying students and they will be allocated in order of application. The Conference and Doctoral Day have proved to be very popular in the past and we anticipate significant demand again this year. Priority will be given to those attending the Doctoral Day. Normal
Student Fees
The Student Delegate Fee for the full conference, including the Doctoral Day (limited places) and Student Membership of ISBE for one year, is £215 if booked before 31st August 2006. The fee rises to £240 if booked after the 1st September 2006, which means a saving of £25 if booked early. This fee does not include the optional items such as the evening events which are extra if required. Student
The ISBE Student Bursary Scheme this year means that eligible students may apply for a bursary of £100 which will be credited against the relevant registration fee at the time of booking, making the net fee payable only £115 if booked before the 31st August 2006 or £140 afterwards. There will be a limited number of bursaries and these will be allocated in order of receipt, although the bursary will only be confirmed when the registration process is completed and payment made of the balance. Each educational institution will be limited to a maximum of three bursaries in total. Application
Bursaries will only be awarded to students registered for relevant postgraduate or research degree programmes, either in the UK or overseas, who are not in receipt of a full-time salary. Students in receipt of scholarships or bursaries are eligible, but those receiving large research grants are not. A condition of the bursary award is that students attend the full three-day Conference programme. Bursaries may only be used as part-payment of the Registration Fee or as a refund if the fee was paid in full. No other cash payments will be made for claims for accommodation, subsistence, travel etc. Such costs will need to be met from the student’s own sponsoring institution or personal funds. An authorised person from the student’s sponsoring University, Business School or other Institution is required to provide a statement confirming the student’s status and eligibility for award of a bursary. Please click here for application form in Word format. Once completed, the form should be signed by your Head of Department or Director of Studies and returned with your completed Conference Registration Form and balance payment due to the Secretariat. |
ISBE Conference Secretariat, PO Box 888,
Dept W6, Harrogate, HG2 8UH, UK |