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For advance information on the 30th ISBE Conference on 
7-9 November 2007 in Glasgow, 
www.isbe2007.org and complete the enquiry form

Key Themes

Who should attend?

Why should you attend?

Click here for details of 2006
Best Paper Award Nominees and Winners

The 29th Annual ISBE Conference returns to the capital city of  Wales for the first time since 1988, to be hosted by the University of Glamorgan, in conjunction with Cardiff University. The 2006 ISBE Conference theme builds on the renewed emphasis nationally and internationally on entrepreneurship in small, medium and large organisations.  The diversity within this field and the continuing emergence of new areas (e.g. social enterprise) present exciting challenges to policy makers, practitioners, educators and researchers.  Such developments directly reflect the interests of the Institute and our main Sponsors, the Welsh Development Agency and the Small Business Service.

A key aim of ISBE 2006 is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in entrepreneurship and SME development and to highlight the practical and policy implications of recent research and experience. Another aim is to engage and share experiences with a wider International Community, recognising that entrepreneurs now operate on a global stage.  Improving understanding of the contexts, policies and practices will not only inform support for SMEs domestically but also prepare them for the challenges on the wider global stage.  Best practices should also be disseminated world-wide.

The key themes to be addressed in the 2006 ISBE Conference in Cardiff are:
(provisional listing, subject to responses)

A  - Advancing entrepreneurship education at all levels

B - Business birth-rate strategy, start-ups and incubation

C - Community, ethnic, family, rural and social enterprise

E - E-entrepreneurship, e-business and e-learning for SMEs

G - Government policies on enterprise development world-wide

 - Innovation, clusters, supply chains and networks

M - Management, skills development and growth issues for SMEs

S - Supporting small business development world-wide

V - Venture capital and micro-finance for small businesses

W - Women’s enterprise and youth enterprise development



Share best practice in enterprise creation and development

Hear the latest advances in entrepreneurship education

Discuss leading-edge research in entrepreneurship and SMEs

● Consider the applications and policy implications of this research

Present your own research and experience and gain feedback

Interact with leading academics, practitioners and policy-makers

Develop your networks and establish new working relationships

For further information please complete the online Enquiry Form.

The Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Ltd is a Registered Charity No. 1076159

Website hosted by ISBE Conference Secretariat, PO Box 888, Dept W6, Harrogate, HG2 8UH, UK
 Tel:  +44 (0) 1423 879208   Fax:  +44 (0) 1423 870025   E-mail: 