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Abstracts for the 199 papers to be presented at the ISBE 2006 Conference are available via this page. You can select either a list of all abstracts in alphabetical order of Lead Author, or you can view abstracts by Track. Simply click on the appropriate Link below. Alternatively, the search box will allow you to search for all or part of a word in various sections of the abstract.

Once you have found the relevant paper, click on the paper title to view the abstract.

Click here for the schedules of Track Presentations of papers, which will be published on the website by mid-October.

Please see Best Paper Awards page for details of this year's categories and sponsors of the Best Papers.

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Track A - Advancing entrepreneurship education at all levels

Track B - Business birth rate strategy, start-ups and incubation

Track C - Community, ethnic, family, rural and social enterprise

Track E - E-entrepreneurship, e-business and e-learning for SMEs

Track G - Government policies on enterprise development world-wide

Track I - Innovation, clusters, supply chains and networks

Track M - Management, skills development and growth issues for SMEs

Track S - Supporting small business development world-wide

Track V - Venture capital & micro-finance for small businesses

Track W - Women's enterprise development

Track X - Youth enterprise development & developing economies


ISBE Conference Secretariat, PO Box 888, Dept W6, Harrogate, HG2 8UH, UK
 Tel:  +44 (0) 1423 879208   Fax:  +44 (0) 1423 870025   E-mail: 