Doctoral Day |
Tuesday, 31st October 2006Cardiff City Hall - 09.00 - 16.00
Doctoral Day will be in Purpose of the Doctoral DayThe Doctoral Day offers a platform for doctoral and research students at different stages of their studies, to present their ideas, problems and issues in an academically rigorous but supportive environment. Students will gain useful insights into methodological, theoretical, conceptual, and policy developments in the field as explored by other students and leading academics. Throughout the day, different aspects of undertaking a doctorate will be discussed, from developing your research topic and undertaking a literature review, to fieldwork, methodological issues, writing up and the viva itself. The Doctoral Day also offers a great opportunity for doctoral students to meet eminent scholars in the field of small business and entrepreneurship research and to attend the ISBE National Conference. Organising CommitteeProf.
Robert Blackburn of Structure
of the Doctoral Day
The Doctoral Day will follow six broad workshop themes organised around different aspects of the PhD. The content of the day will be influenced by the issues raised by doctoral students in papers submitted and during the introductory session. Subject to confirmation, the sessions will be led by:-
The outline programme
will be as follows: 09.00-10.00
Check-in, coffee and welcome (Professor Robert Blackburn) 10.00-11.00 Session 1: Topics to be confirmed 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30-13.00 Session 2: 13.00-14.00 Buffet Lunch in Lower Hall at 14.00-15.30
Session 3: 15.30-16.00 Refreshment break and Close of Doctoral Day programme 16.00-18.00 Plenary Session – Global Entrepreneurship – key factors in economic development 19.00-21.00 Welcome Reception
& Networking Buffet
at the 21.00-late Evening free in to explore Pre-Conference SubmissionDoctoral
candidates interested in attending the Doctoral Day should submit a summary
sheet with no more than 500 words. This should
outline i) the stage at which they are at (start; pre fieldwork; post fieldwork;
writing up) ii) aims of their research iii) methods and iv) key issues they wish
to raise. Please send it to ISBE Conference Registration by e-mail to
or by post to the address below,
by 30th September at the latest.
These will help the facilitators to focus the day. RegistrationRegistration for the Doctoral Day is essential as capacity is limited. The fee for the day is inclusive of the student delegate fee for the full conference of £215 if booked and paid by 31st August. Then if any spaces are still available the fee will be £240. These fees exclude the two evening social events, which can be booked as optional extras. Please use the ISBE 2006 Registration Form in the Conference Brochure or register on-line through the web site Alternatively a PDF or Excel version can be downloaded from the web site or requested by e-mail from the Conference Secretariat: Please specify any special dietary, access or other needs. If your Organisation requires an Invoice, then please ask them to submit a Purchase Order at the late fee rates. The early and normal booking discounts are only available if paid by the respective deadlines. Student BursaryISBE is offering a limited number of Student Bursaries this year. Bursaries of £100 will be awarded to non-salaried post-graduate students of small business and entrepreneurship at a recognised University in the UK or overseas. It is a requirement of the bursary award that if you attend the Doctoral Day then you must also attend the full Conference Programme. Students must pay for their own travel, accommodation and evening meals. For full details click here. Check-in Doctoral
Students should check-in for the Doctoral Day between 09.00 and 10.00 on Tuesday
31st October at the Conference Check-in Desk in the foyer of Cardiff
Accommodation - click here for further detailsFurther InformationFor
further information on the Doctoral Day or the ISBE National Conference please
contact: a)
Doctoral Day Programme and Topics:
Professor Robert Blackburn, Director of Research, Faculty of Business, b)
National Conference Administration:
Maggie Hall, Conference Coordinator, ISBE National Conference Secretariat, |
ISBE Conference Secretariat, PO Box 888,
Dept W6, Harrogate, HG2 8UH, UK |